
Summer Gatherings

If you didn't know already, I am the second youngest of 9 and an aunt to 12 little ones. Today we celebrated my nephew Douglas' 5th birthday. Here's some snapshots from today to show you some of my favorite things about our birthday parties (and my family in general).

1. baby faces

2. little girl braids 

3. splashing around

4. birthday cakes

5. opening gifts 
(I made Douglas a felt finger puppet of himself. He kept walking around with it on his finger, talking as if he were the puppet.)

6. these kids.
few things ever bring me joy like these kids do. i'm going to miss them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok seriously, I adore you! I just read your blog from the beginning. I would love to offer you a feature of some kind, because I think the blogworld needs to know about you :) please hit me up if that sounds like something you're interested in.
Cheers friend,
Grace Louise