
Semester's Film: Downtown

I went and picked up three rolls of film photos at Target today. They were taken over the entire fall semester, and many I had completely forgotten about. I looked at them all at the counter before I left and was standing there by myself laughing at some of the great memories captured. The guy behind the counter looks at me and says, "Are you okay?" I told him yes and that the pictures were just so funny. He said, "Oh, those pictures make you really happy." Haha, yes. Yes they do.

Here are a few that were taken right at the beginning of the semester before and after church.

Featured in watermelon skirt and blouse combo: Kathleen
Featured in groovy plaid tie: Kyle
Crazy awesome kids: Eli and Hannah Kate
Photos taken with a Minolta XE-7 (May it rest in peace)


Dita Maulani said...

I love these photos especially the fourth!

Anonymous said...

These are fantastic! Happy happy film.

Also, Kathleen was born a model, I suspect.

Anonymous said...

The little boy's face — priceless. I couldn't help but crack up.