
Weekend Sketches

When I have days like I had this past Saturday, I reflect and wonder, why does the Lord bless me so? I had the tremendous privilege of going to Think Tank through AIGA in Nashville. Basically, it's a really awesome graphic design conference. I was encouraged by such wonderful people as Kate Bingaman-Burt and Justin Ahrens. The entire time Kate was talking I was trying to soak in as much as I possibly could. She combines hand craft with digital craft in such a simple and beautiful way. She does what she loves and does it well. I loved listening to her. I even got to talk to her a bit during a break and took her picture on some good ole' black and white film. 

I also got to meet a few other people at the conference and won two $40 books on branding and font! God is so good. Oh, and funny story...there was a guy there that had on a button down plaid shirt of the exact same color palette as the one I was wearing. My instant thought: we must become friends. So we met and commented on each other's shirts and it was great.

And not to mention the mind-blowing concert by Seryn to finish the day right. I would say it was the best concert I've ever been to. Each of the band members drew in my sketchbook after the concert. They were all so hilarious. I truly hope I get to see them again in the future.


Anita said...

What a great Saturday indeed and I love your sketches!

Kathryn Lynn said...

Thanks Anita!