
Fellowship and photographers

I'm back from the Southwestern photojournalism conference! And boy, am I glad I went. I got to meet and talk with so many truly amazing people. Having someone like Mark Sandlin from Southern Living Magazine sit down next to me and listen to me talk of passions and frustrations, desires and doubts. So good. So incredibly good. And then having Matt Jones, working for an international non-profit, pray for me to find my confidence in Christ. I really needed to come to this more than I even realized. I also got to meet a some new friends from other schools. Here are some of my favorite quotes/notes and some film shots from the weekend.

 Sarah Jane, CBU

Chris, CBU

Focus on unique work, not just good work.

Matt Jones

Before you can go out and live it, you need to receive freedom from the burden of comparison.

Anacleto Rapping

If you are passionate about it, there are things you will have to overcome.

First time eating In-N-Out

Jacob (below) is a fellow photojournalism student and an amazing one at that. The last day of the conference was his birthday so I had to get a birthday photo of him. I'm super excited to see how Jacob's photos progress through the years.

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